جمعه, ۳ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۶:۱۸ ب.ظ
معادلهای برق رفتن/ نوسان برق
power outage
(Am.), power
cut (Br.) n. [c]
when there is no electricity for a time;
a blackout: The power outage lasted
an hour. • The district suffered
repeated power cuts throughout the winter
• She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.
• He told his doctor he had been experiencing blackouts.
n. [c]
a temporary lowering of electric power,
because of a technical problem or to economize: The brownout slowed
down the office Internet. • The
lights were dimmed during the brownout.
NOTE blackout (Br.)/outage (Am.) = a total electricity failure
• A brownout caused my computer screen to
flicker a few times