emigrate • migrate • immigrate
- Many species of birds migrate to warmer climates before the onset of winter. (Not *emigrate* *immigrate*) (we never use emigrate or immigrate for birds and animals; we can refer to e.g. migrating birds as migrant birds)
- Millions of people emigrated from Europe to the United States at the turn of the 20th century. (Not *migrated* *immigrated*) (emigrate from a place = permanently leave your native country; people who do this are emigrants)
- A lot of people immigrated to Britain from Uganda in the 60s and 70s. (immigrate to a place = go to live in a country which is not your native country; people who do this are immigrants)
• 'emigrate'
If you emigrate , you leave your own country and go to live permanently in another country.
He received permission to emigrate to Canada.
He had emigrated from Germany in the early 1920's.
• 'emigration'
You refer to the process by which people leave their own country in order to live somewhere else as emigration .
...new laws on emigration.
...the encouragement given to peasant emigration.
• 'emigrant'
People who emigrate are called emigrants .
Thousands of emigrants boarded Cunard ships for the New World.
• 'immigrant'
When emigrants arrive in the country where they intend to live, they are referred to as immigrants .
...a Russian immigrant.
A ship carrying 54 illegal immigrants sailed into the harbour yesterday.
• 'immigration'
You refer to the process by which people come to live in a country as immigration .
She asked for his views on immigration.
...immigration procedures.
• 'migrate'
When people migrate , they temporarily move to another place, usually a city or another country, in order to find work.
The only solution people can see is to migrate.
Millions have migrated to the cities.
• 'migration'
This process is called migration .
...mass migration into cities.
Migration for work is accelerating in the Third World.
• 'migrant'
People who migrate are called migrants or migrant workers .
...migrants looking for a place to live.
In South America alone there are three million migrant workers.
• another meaning of 'migrate'
When birds or animals migrate , they move from one place to another at the same time each year.
Texas is the first landfall of most birds migrating north.
Every spring they migrate towards the coast.