آموزش زبان انگلیسی

In the name of God, my most cherished possession
مشخصات بلاگ

طبقه بندی موضوعی
آخرین مطالب
  • ۹۵/۰۳/۰۵

۲۸ مطلب در ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵ ثبت شده است

يكشنبه, ۵ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۹:۳۲ ق.ظ

معادلهای در درسی افتادن/ نمره قبولی نگرفتن

fail /feɪl/ [intransitive/transitive verb]
to not succeed in an examination or test:
▪ Jonathan failed his law exams at the end of the year.
▪ If I fail my driving test again, I’m going to give up.
▪ ‘How did you do in accountancy?’ ‘I failed’.
fail by 2 marks/5% etc
▪ We expected her to pass easily, but she failed by 15 marks.
flunk /flʌŋk/ [intransitive/transitive verb] especially American, informal
to fail an examination or test:
▪ He thought he was going to flunk chemistry, but he got a D.
▪ I flunked, and had to do the test again.
flunk out /ˌflʌŋk ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] especially American informal
to fail a course at college or university and be forced to leave:
▪ You either pass and get your degree or flunk out.
flunk out of college/school etc
▪ It was extremely humiliating to flunk out of law school like that.
bomb /bɒm ǁ bɑːm/ [transitive verb] American informal
to fail very badly:
▪ I bombed the English test yesterday.

*Fail in, not from.
Don't say: Steven failed from maths last year.
Say: Steven failed in maths last year.

  • I failed my driving test the first time I took it.
   • He failed maths but passed all his other subjects.
I got four passes and two fails.
The English teacher failed five students.
۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۵ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۰۹:۳۲
سید فرامرز ضیایی
يكشنبه, ۵ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۹:۱۹ ق.ظ



Someone who is self-conscious is easily embarrassed and worries about what other people think of them.
I stood there, feeling self-conscious.
Patrick is self-conscious about his thinness.

Patrick is self-conscious about his fatness/fattiness.
  1. Patrick is self-conscious about his weight. (polite)
  2. Patrick is self-conscious about the amount of fat he is carrying. (polite)
  3. Patrick is self-conscious because he is fat. (somewhat blunt/direct.)

If someone is sure of their own abilities, qualities, or ideas, You do not say that they are 'self-conscious'. You say that they are confident , self-confident , or self-assured .
...a witty, young and confident lawyer.
She was remarkably self-confident for her age.
His comments were firm and self-assured.
۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۵ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۰۹:۱۹
سید فرامرز ضیایی
شنبه, ۴ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۶:۱۰ ب.ظ

Pair up* Pair off

 If people pair up or are paired up, they form a pair, especially in order to do something together.
P with n] They asked us to pair up with the person next to us and form teams...
pl-n V P] Men and teenage girls pair up to dance...
pl-n be V-ed] Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates. [Also V n P with n]

pair off [phrasal verb]
: to join together in a romantic relationship
• He hated being single while his friends were pairing off and having kids.
pair off or pair (someone or something) off or pair off (someone or something) : to join with someone or something else to form a group of two
• People paired off for the next dance.
• She paired the students off. = She paired off the students.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۴ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۱۸:۱۰
سید فرامرز ضیایی
شنبه, ۴ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۵:۰۲ ب.ظ

Only just* Only too

only just

by a very small margin; almost not
the building survived the earthquake, but only just
■ very recently
I'd only just arrived back from Paris

only too

 very: We'll be only too happy to welcome you to our home. Please come.

only just /ˌəʊnli ˈdʒʌst◂/ [adverb] especially British
a very short time ago:
▪ It’s noon, and she’s only just got up.
▪ I’ve only just passed my driving test, so I’m still a little nervous.

only just British /just barely American /ˌəʊnli ˈdʒʌst◂, dʒʌst ˈbeəʳli/ [adverb]
use this when you succeed in doing something, but you want to emphasize how close you were to failing:
▪ It was a close game. Beverly beat me, but only just.
▪ I could just barely hear him.
▪ The paperwork was only just completed in time for the conference.
▪ The train was late, and I just barely made it to the meeting on time.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۴ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۱۷:۰۲
سید فرامرز ضیایی
شنبه, ۴ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۸:۲۸ ق.ظ

Park's bench or park bench

In the following sentence, why hasn't an apostrophe been used in the phrases "park bench" and " children play" ?

* We sat down on the park bench and watched the children play.


Easy answer first: in "children play", play is a verb, unless you mean "play = a stage production with actors." e.g. "the plays of William Shakespeare.", in which case it does need a genitive 's'.

So, let us look at "park bench"

In English it is very common to use two nouns together where the first noun
(i) is uncountable and
(ii) acts like an adjective:

The language department is over there. = The department associated with language .is over there.
.....<noun1> <noun2> is over there... = The <noun2>.... associated with <noun1> is over there.

We sat down on the ...park ......bench
We sat down on the <noun1> <noun2> = The <noun2> associated with <noun1> is over there.

This construction is used where there is not any real ownership. The first noun is used to describe an attribute of the second noun. The first noun doesn't say who/what owns the second noun.

We sat down on the park bench
We sat down on the wooden bench
We sat down on the newly made, iron bench

The bold phrases are all adjectival.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۴ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۰۸:۲۸
سید فرامرز ضیایی
جمعه, ۳ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۶:۲۶ ب.ظ

On Monday/ Monday

A- Bye.
B- Bye. I'll see you on Monday/Monday at 4.30.

Answer: both are OK.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۳ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۱۸:۲۶
سید فرامرز ضیایی
جمعه, ۳ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۶:۱۸ ب.ظ

معادلهای برق رفتن/ نوسان برق

power outage
(Am.), power cut (Br.) n. [c]
when there is no electricity for a time; a blackout: The power outage lasted an hour. The district suffered repeated power cuts throughout the winter


• She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.

• He told his doctor he had been experiencing blackouts.


n. [c]
a temporary lowering of electric power, because of a technical problem or to economize: The brownout slowed down the office Internet. The lights were dimmed during the brownout.
NOTE blackout (Br.)/outage (Am.) = a total electricity failure


A brownout caused my computer screen to flicker a few times
۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۳ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۱۸:۱۸
سید فرامرز ضیایی
جمعه, ۳ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۵، ۰۶:۰۶ ب.ظ

Historic • Historical

- The falsification of historical records is common practice in totalitarian regimes. (Not *historic*) (= relating to the study of history)
- Pulling down the Berlin Wall will be remembered as one of the historic events of the late 20th century. (= important in history)

Historic refers to something important or memorable.

The opening of the wing is a historic occasion for the hospital.

Historical means concerned with or relating to history.

Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind" is a historical novel.


BAD: She likes reading historic novels.
GOOD: She likes reading historical novels.
historic = (1) very important in history: 'a historic voyage', 'a historic decision' (2) having a long history: 'a historic tradition', 'a historic building'
historical = (1) about or based upon people who actually lived or events that actually happened: 'Historical records suggest that the prince was fully aware of the murders.' (2) connected with or found in history: 'a diary of great historical interest', 'a historical document', 'for historical reasons'.
BAD: He likes reading historic books.
GOOD: He likes reading history books.
BAD: We spent the afternoon at the historic museum.
GOOD: We spent the afternoon at the history museum.
a history book/lesson/museum etc = a book/lesson/museum etc that deals with the subject of history: 'Our history teacher next term is Mr Young.'
۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۳ ارديبهشت ۹۵ ، ۱۸:۰۶
سید فرامرز ضیایی